Berndt's Quest
Berndt's Quest

It is ten years since Lintze completed the quest for the Elements that saved her world. Now it is Earth, seriously affected by climate change chaos, that approaches the High Guild, begging for help for its citizens. Mindful of the assistance Earth rendered to Errdian people during the Troubles of the early twentieth century, the government of Errd agrees to accept an unprecedented influx of incomers escaping the chaos. Under the auspices of Wiesse Terwin, acting on behalf of the High Guild, Berndt and his daughter, Rissa, become embroiled in the disaster relief attempt, working to create a process by which the various individuals opting for immigration may be eased into the unfamiliar Errdian culture.

In the process, Rissa grows up and Berndt is forced to come to terms with his own demons...